Sheepshead Bay Preschool

The 5 C’s of FasTracKids Preschool

Our philosophy combines many early learning approaches with use of technology to create the best environment possible for young children.  While we align with most of Montesorri’s principles, additionally, we believe collaboration, communication and socialization are very important elements for young children. Children work in teams and collaborate on experiments, problem-solving puzzles and dramatizations. This differs from […]

How FasTracKids Preschool Enhances Gifted & Talented Readiness

by Amy Aversano The New York City Department of Education’s Gifted and Talented program is available to kindergarten to third grade children through the public school system. The G&T program is in such high demand that only about 12% of students who take the admissions exams are offered a position in a G&T class or […]

9 Activities for Preschoolers in Sheepshead Bay

Sheepshead Bay, originally named after the edible sheepshead fish that used to frequent the bay’s waters, is now home to a diverse population of families all with the same goal of providing the best and safest childhood experience for their little ones. As the neighborhood develops at a rapid rate, there are many activities and […]

7 Ways to Enrich Your Preschooler’s Summer

Written by Amy Aversano Summer can be a blessing and a curse for parents. The prospect of spending all day, every day, with your toddler or preschooler for almost three months sounds like heaven until you run out of activities halfway through the first week. With short attention spans and a need for constant socialization, […]

FasTracKids Builds Preschool Language Skills

Language in the Classroom Students making the transition from preschool or kindergarten to first grade have enough to prepare for. They don’t need to be struggling with language skills as well. Fortunately, students that complete our FasTracKids preschool enrichment programs have a strong advantage over their peers. Not only do they have more opportunity to interact […]

9 Skills Your Preschooler Should Possess Before Entering School

Written by Amy Aversano Choosing a preschool can be daunting for novice and veteran parents alike. Entrusting others to keep your youngster safe and teaching them valuable developmental skills all at once seems almost impossible. Sheepshead Bay Preschool is not only a safe and happy environment for children, but provides invaluable stimulation that will allow […]

Sheepshead Bay Preschool for 2 – 4 Year Olds

Parents have many options when deciding which Sheepshead Bay preschool to enroll their child in. We’ve written this brief post to explain the benefits of enrolling in our preschool powered by FasTracKids. After reading, we encourage you to contact us to schedule a free trial class! [divider style=”{‹²›ruler_type‹²›:‹²›space‹²›,‹²›space‹²›:{‹²›height‹²›:‹²›35‹²›}}” __fw_editor_shortcodes_id=”7a01843f3c0dffdc2e3c036a1ce9a064″ _array_keys=”{‹²›style‹²›:‹²›style‹²›}” _fw_coder=”aggressive”][/divider] We Are The Top […]